Our practice is closed from Wednesday 24/07 till Tuesday 30/07 due to summer leave. For emergencies, please contact Dierenkliniek Buitenveldert during opening hours (9.00am-5.00pm) on tel. +31 20 - 644 30 89. Please contact Evidensia Dierenziekenhuis Amsterdam for emergencies out of hours: tel +31 20 - 308 07 50. Apologies for any inconvience.


Our rates

As of 1 January 2022, our rates have changed. You can find our current prices on this page.

  • Consultations and small treatments
  • Vaccinations
  • Spaying / neutering
  • Basic dental treatments

Consultations and small treatments

Consultation € 64,25
Nail clipping € 29,50
Chipping with registration € 58,40


Always in combination with our consultation rate of € 64,25. Consultation of a second animal during same visit € 49,55. 

Dog (consultation excluded)

Nobivac DHP + L4 € 27,75
Nobivac L4 € 27,75
Nobivac KC € 39,75
Nobivac Rabies € 48,95


Cat (consultation excluded)

Nobivac Tricat (feline distemper + cat flu) € 27,75
Nobivac Ducat (cat flu) € 27,75
Nobivac Rabies € 48,95
Nobivac Bb (Bordetella) € 39,75


Rabbit (consultation excluded)

Nobivac Myxo + RHD  €26,00

Spaying / neutering

All prices include analgesia and apply to operations without complications. Prices do not include medical cap shirt/collar or additional medication if required.


Spaying male  Depending on weight € 297,00 - € 582,00
Neutering female  Depending on weight € 561,00 - € 666,00
Medical Pet Shirt dog from € 24,11



Spaying male  € 128,60
Neutering female  € 235,00
Medical Pet Shirt cat € 24,11



Spaying male € 111,20
Neutering female € 260,15
Medical Pet Shirt rabbit € 24,11

Basic dental treatments

Prices include anaesthesia, 20 min cleaning and polishing. Excludes costs for any extractions and then additional time and medication. Prices may therefore change if it takes shorter or longer. Please note we do not have dental X-ray capabilities, so we only do basic dentistry. From 7 years onwards, we recommend a pre-anesthetic blood test prior to anaesthesia.

Pre-anaesthetic blood work   € 181,00
20-minute clean with aneasthetic  Depending on weight € 242,00 - € 265,00
Pre-anaesthetic blood work   € 71,85